Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Introduction /Automatism (Cut-up Technique)

For project 0 i have chosen to use the novel Lullaby written by Chuck Palahniuk and published in 2002.  The book lends it self easily for  interpretations and concepts with themes drawing heavily on Romanticism and Nihilism.  The non-linear plot line is disturbingly dark yet hilarious like most of his other work but the background story of this particular novel; having to do with the murder of Palahniuk's father and Palahnuik's input being used to sentence the perpetrator to death, sets it apart making Lullaby a coping mechanism for personal trauma and lending itself for entirely different concepts and themes.

Automatism (Cut-up Technique)

Automatism is a surrealist technique and is used to express the subconscious by cutting out images or text automatically and randomly, then arranging them to create new images or new texts.

Painter and writer Brion Gysin and one of my personal favorites, writer and painter William S. Burroughs used the Cut-up Technique in their book The Third Mind which consists of artwork mostly utilizing this technique.

Piece from The Third Mind by William Burroughs and Brion Gysin

Here's an example of Automatism that i used on the cover of Lullaby. Higher resolution photos will be up soon

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